The Kingdom of Denmark
Kronprinsen og Den Sultende Princesse The Crown Prince and the Princess who Starved
Speculative Fiction & Journalism
PHOTOS AND ART FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE copyright Bent Lorentzen NEW! Christiania - a photo essay open to interpretation... The Christiania photos at the bottom of this page are from 2006, the year following the fated Christmas Eve Letter of 2005, when the Danish government - in the middle of the harshest winter in decades - attempted to make homeless nearly a thousand Copenhageners, including countless children, who live in Christiania and raze this exquisite example of culture and art.click here for these select photos from Christiania, the largest "Free-State" collective experiment in Europe The following is a tiny sampling of Bent Lorentzen's vast reserve of "tourist photos" of Scandinavia. Most are of Copenhagen, from Rosenborg Slot to Frederiksborg Slot, and of Mr. Lorentzen's numerous cycling tours of northern Europe. Click on thumbnails for slightly more detail. Most of Mr. Lorentzen's photography, part of his photojournalism and cultural anthropology background, evoke that place's more difficult to attain atmosphere. It often means to stay utterly still in pouring rain until the right moment. These images were purposely scanned at low density to prevent copyright violations. All images, ©1994 - 2006, D.A.N.E. and Bent Lorentzen. No one may copy, download or otherwise use or transmit these images without the express consent of Bent Lorentzen. For information, email dane@bcbnet.dk
Bishop Absolon * Christiana * Pedestrian street* Round Tower * Denmark's most famous tree* Rundt Danmark* downtown * Danish Cycling * Cathedral in north Copenhagen Fine Arts at "Kongens Have" * Swan/people scene* typical plaza City Hall Plaza * Rosenborg Castle*Gentofte sø * Christiana hus And now a few images from other places. See if you recognize where they were taken Rebild Festival* Chalk Cliffs * Frederiksborg Castle* Little Mermaid Rebild Festival * Roof Thatching * Skagen * Island Road Now where are we? Hmmmn.... Cycling the Appalachians in winter Tibetan Buddhism Morning Has Broken at 8,000 meters
ARTWORK by Bent Lorentzen The Merge Bevar (Preserve) Christiania! --Copenhagen's largest tourist attraction, and home, workplace & educational site for thousands... now being threatened by a Danish government lusting for property-money. Click on images for full size Welcome to all Tranquility Peace Joy Beauty Nature Home Love Hearth Work Refuge Feast For our children Transform Feed Spirit Breathe Not for Sale! Keep out the Beast The Beast looks... and wants! MORE THUMBNAIL PHOTO BUTTONS OF STUNNING PLACES AND EVENTS SOON AVAILABLE.
1994-2006, DANE and Bent
Lorentzen. No part within this website may be copied,
or transmitted by any means without the written permission of Bent
Lorentzen. For
contact info, email: Lorentzen
or call (45) 2346-4269 1308 |